Burroughs Manor Press

The Adventures in Behaviour Series
"I read all three books to my grade 6 students that I work with in a small group. They enjoyed them all, understood the message and could relate the behaviours to classmates that struggle. We had great discussions about each one and it was great to see understanding and compassion! They loved the graphics and asked when you were going to do a sequel to “How Danny Found His Brave” .... Did Danny beat big red? Did he rescue his Dad.... did the dragon quit being mean?
Well done Kerry, we thoroughly enjoyed them and look forward to more."
EA, Sturgeon County School Division
Reviewed by ~ Nathan Albright (Reader) - Authors Den Reviews
How to Tame Dragons and Hush Hyenas
Although I have no children (yet) of my own, from time to time I review children's books and have often found the books to be very enjoyable . This book is a rare case where a book is of more personal relevance to me, especially because the publisher of these books focuses on books relating to mental health issues for children. Given that I was diagnosed with PTSD as a small child myself, mental health issues as they relate to children is a cause I feel particularly passionate about, and it was nice to know that this was an interest of the publisher's and the author's after having requested the book. As this is one of three books by the author that I see available so far, I expect to read my way through the other two as soon as I am able to do so. This is not a book that should be challenging to most readers, although its vivid vocabulary and striking visuals should make it a favorite for children who may not fully understand the point it is making.
That said, this is a book whose content has a definite purpose. The story is one of an elementary school child who is having a very bad day. His bad day manifests itself in two breakdowns that are described with immensely vivid descriptions. His first meltdown causes a half a dozen hyenas to rampage in the classroom, after which he is able to calm down, and the second meltdown leads to nine fiery dragons causing havoc everywhere. The wise reader, of course, will know that young Jeremy of the uncontrollable volcanic rage is responsible for the damage caused by the hyenas and dragons, but children who are learning how to control their anger will likely appreciate the personification of that anger as a wild beast and not themselves. Even the little details of the book, like the four zones shown on a chalkboard in the classroom, provide worthwhile food for thought for those reading the book, encouraging readers to monitor their own emotional state and to take action accordingly, depending on whether they are feeling sad or angry, or various other emotions.
Ultimately, this book has a clear goal in mind in encouraging children to take responsibility for controlling their emotions. Developing empathy and having some useful tactics to managing irritation and frustration are certainly worthwhile and beneficial, and this book manages to instruct while also entertaining. This is educational literature that definitely goes down easily. Some children wear trouble like a t-shirt, it seems, and this is a book that is written for such children. It is all the more remarkable for its restraint in not blaming the uncontrollable rage on outside factors or allowing for a victim mentality--perhaps a victim of genes or environment--but rather encouraging the reader to take responsibility for their own anger and to learn impulse control as a part of growth and maturity. This sort of approach is a winning one, and is done in such a way that it serves morally and educationally worthwhile ends while also being written and illustrated in such a winsome and enjoyable way as to entertain the very people who are being educated by it. This book certainly has a lot to offer as a model for an educational approach that understands that teaching personal responsibility need not seem boring or off-putting.
Reviewed by ~ Nathan Albright (Reader)
Authors Den Reviews
The No Trolls Allowed Guidebook
[This book was provided free of charge by Author's Den/Burroughs Manor Press. All thoughts and opinions are my own.]
It is the nature of anxious people--children as well as adults--to see in their anxiety [1] threats that most people do not think even exist, and this book inventively and creatively turns that tendency into a guide on dealing with trolls that is both entertaining as well as deeply thoughtful. Mental health issues come with a high degree of stigma and this book does a good job at providing a creative way for anxiety to be acknowledged and handled without leading someone to be viewed in a negative way. We are prone to have an indulgent approach to those who engage in various means to reduce their anxiety if it is framed as a way of dealing with a threat that they can see that no one else can see, while the thought of seeing someone as afflicted with an anxiety disorder as something of a weakling. As someone who certainly has dealt with more than my fair share of mental health issues over the course of my life, I found this book a deeply sympathetic one and one that addressed a serious matter in a kind way.
The book itself is written in a winsome way, beginning with an assumption that anyone who reads this book is likely to have struggled with anxiety or knows someone who has in a lighthearted way. Then there is a mockumentary style approach to describing trolls and how they can be identified. There are rules to dealing with trolls and a mock organization (Kids Against Trolls In School) to help deal with the problem of trolls. The author then manages to have a sly discussion about how school is a particularly anxious place and that it is important not to panic and to protect oneself and others. The author then cleverly notes that attempts on the part of children to deal with anxiety and inform others can have negative repercussions, but that it is important to be brave anyway. After commenting on being loud as a way to overcome anxiety, the author then moves to a discussion of a safety zone that involves quiet, calming music, deep breathing and counting to ten, squeeze toys, and visualization exercises, after which point the book ends in a documentary-like fashion.
This book offers some thoughtful ways for children to deal with the problem of anxiety, showing how children can often deal with it in ways that bother other people--like raising their voice at the threats that they perceive that no one else can, while effectively providing useful tips on how to deal with anxiety in a way that is likely to encourage children to think that these ways amount to children being a part of a secret society or dealing with adults that don't understand them as is common for children to think. As is the case with the author's work in general, there is a mixture here between lighthearted silliness and a conscious wrestling with serious issues. The book, in its own genial fashion, demonstrates to children reading this book or having it read to them that they are not alone in being anxious or in seeing situations as threatening that others do not. And it is certainly true that school is a particularly anxious place for many people, though there are other places that are similarly anxious that have the same concerns of being watched and judged for one's performance. There is a great deal of enjoyment in reading this book, even if anxiety and the way that anxiety is viewed and treated by others is seldom a laughing matter for many people.
Reviewed by ~ Nathan Albright (Reader)
Authors Den Reviews
How Danny Found his Brave
[Note: This book was provided free of charge by Author's Den/Burroughs Manor Press. All thoughts and opinions are my own.]
There are plenty of children who are fairly timid and easily frightened, and admittedly as someone who has struggled with PTSD since very early childhood I can relate more than most people would to this story. Nevertheless, this story certainly has a lot that would appeal to children who want to be brave and think of themselves as heroic [1]. I found the story enjoyable to read and one that even seemed to resemble the author's other work, showing a certain shared universe behind all the books I have read by the author so far. Among the more important aspects of this book is the way that it encourages empathy on the part of the reader and looks at the way that bravery and courage are issues for a wide variety of people. Provoking empathy in a way that is entertaining and inspirational is certainly a worthwhile job and this book looks like the kind of book that would be entertaining for children and also enjoyable for adults to read to them and to ask questions about.
The book itself is a straightforward tale but there are some surprises along the way. We open with our titular hero Danny, a boy who is afraid of everything, the sort of person who is terrified of his own shower and constantly fleeing from what frightens him, encouraged to ask a yellow dragon to return his brave. He then finds out that his father has lost his brave as well and Danny turns from panicky and frightened child to a heroic youth who wants to fight on behalf of a surprisingly vulnerable adult whose brave has been stolen by a particularly dangerous red dragon. This sets Danny out on an epic quest to recover his own brave and his father's that he undertakes late at night. Of course, in his epic quest he meets some horrifying trolls that he manages to defeat with a wooden sword and also rescues that yellow dragon who was threatened by the trolls and who turns out to be surprisingly timid himself with only Danny's brave, as the red dragon had taken the remaining braves that he had possessed. The book ends on a cliffhanger with Danny charging off toward the red dragon to recover his father's brave, with the possibility of a sequel as well as the knowledge that even without his "brave" that Danny is a pretty courageous boy.
Although the book is admittedly a children's book with a fair amount of silliness--what exactly is a "brave" anyway--the book does manage to provoke some serious questions. What do the yellow and red dragon represent? What is it that made Danny so afraid in the first place? Why does he face such terrors in the night? What was it that robbed his father of his courage, and what does Danny hope to win back? There are the hints in this book of a darker back story where Danny is part of a dysfunctional family with generational issues that must be struggled bravely if they are to be overcome. Be that as it may, these are only hints. Danny's struggle to gain his courage is portrayed in a way where the internal psychodrama of children or those who are children at heart is transmuted into a vivid struggle with creatures of fantasy lore like trolls and dragons, who prove to be beings with their own surprising vulnerabilities. One wonders if this is the way that child psychologists try to convince timid and tormented children that the world is not such a scary place after all.
Reviewed by ~ Amy Campbell (Reader)
Author's Den Reviews
How Danny Found his Brave
How Danny Found His Brave is a delightful little book. I love how the author teaches all children how to be brave, have courage and llearn that it is within themselves. I hope Kerry Orchard writes more children’s books like this one in the future. She knows how to “speak” to young ones and help them how to overcome anything.
I highly recommend How Danny Found His Brave and I give this one 5 stars.
I received this book from the author. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
Reviewed by ~ Amy Campbell (Reader)
Author's Den Reviews
The No Trolls Allowed Guidebook
The No Trolls Allowed Guidebook is a cute children’s book by Kerry Orchard. I like how it gives the lesson for the sensitive kids how to stay calm and deal with the “trolls”. What a wonderful way to teach this lesson and I think the author did it in such a way, young ones can relate to. I highly recommend The No Trolls Allowed Guidebook to all. I give it 5 plus stars.
I received this book from the author. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
Reviewed by ~ Amy Campbell (Reader)
Author's Den Reviews
How to Tame Dragons and Hush Hyenas
How to Tame Dragons and Hush Hyenas is a good book for a children to read. Especially, for those who need to find a way to control their emotions and anger. I know a special little boy who would benefit by reading this and I plan to give him a copy. Such a great lesson to learn. I give How to Tame Dragons and Hush Hyenas 5 stars and highly recommend it for all children to read.
I received this book from the author. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
Reviewed by ~ Leanne Vardy (Reader) - Carine Primary School Australia
Author's Den Reviews
How Danny Found his Brave
"How Danny Found His Brave" is an inspirational book designed to give children confidence to face up to challenging situations. It gives "brave" an image as an object, in Danny's case, a T shirt. The "brave' is stolen by the red dragon, along with Danny's dad and Danny needs to be brave in order to find his dad. It isn't clear why or how his dad was taken but this then provides an opportunity for the reader to make assumptions and fill in the gaps. The language is rich and the story full of alliterations which have been highlighted throughout the book, making it interesting reading for juniors. I love the colourful illustrations as Danny faces trolls and seeks to rescue his dad from the dreaded Red Dragon. The symbolism invites a lot of questions and leads us to ponder about how we cope when faced with challenging thoughts and issues. A great book to read and discuss with young children.
Reviewed by ~ Jessica Adair (Reader) 3 reviews...
Author's Den Reviews
How Danny Found his Brave
"I like how, he still has to face to dragon, but it turns out, that it was just as scared as Danny. It gives the standard "they're probably just as scared as you" and the "you must face your fears to overcome them" a new twist in a cute retelling full of good vocabulary and great alliteration. It even gives the ultimate lesson of "courage is within you." I really enjoyed the book and I'd recommend it to anyone wanting a book to help kids find courage."
How to Tame Dragons and Hush Hyenas
"L like the book, and I would definitely recommend it to teachers and counselors to use as an aid."
The No Trolls Allowed Guidebook
"I really like how this book addresses anxiety by turning it into something everyone can relate to: trolls. Anything loud, overwhelming, lost items, messy, etc. is just a troll that can be dealt with. The rules, while applying to these trolls, also apply to situations that induce anxiety or panic. I think its' a cute and funny way of approaching anxiety and I'd definitely recommend it."
Reviewed by ~ Dennis De Rose
Authors Den Reviews
How Danny Found his Brave
How Danny Found His Brave by Kerry Orchard is quite nicely done. The book is in a large 8 by 10 format with easy to read large print. I love the full page illustrations that Roberto Gonzalez has meticulously crafted, so full of vibrant jump-off-the-page colors. The coloring contrasts very well with the printed words. Too often, background coloring blends in with the print color choice making the words hard to read. Kerry and Roberto worked closely to make sure that did not happen here. I won't tell you the story since the back cover blurb says it all. Kerry's descriptive writing is unique and fun to read. This is a wonderful book that you can read to your four or five-year-old. How Danny Found His Brave is also a perfect choice for your beginner reader. You might have to help a little but that's perfect since you will want to talk about some of the word choices and their meanings. Keep writing Kerry, great job. Roberto, beautiful job, what a treasure. This is a keeper.
Reviewed by ~ Laura H
Authors Den Reviews
I thoroughly enjoyed this small but powerful publication. This book is meant to help children, or all of us, understand courage and the possibilities that our courage can achieve. The illustrations throughout are amazing and will have children engaged from Page 1. A great book to read to your young children or to donate to your child's classroom.
“These three books by Kerry Orchard give children the images, words, and confidence to relate to and talk about their own experiences. After reading "How Danny Found his Brave", my son, Rowan (age 6), said the following day, "I already had my brave to scooter to Thomas and Rudy's house on my own yesterday!"
"As a teacher and parent, sometimes we don't always know how to approach a subject with our children or students and these characters are a wonderful gateway into discussions around mental health and a child's self-awareness. Kerry Orchard's use of alliteration throughout is rhythmically soothing and great for “juicy” word discussions. The colourful, comical Illustrations by Roberto Gonzalez bring these concepts to life. These books will be meaningful teaching tools for your school library and classrooms this year and a great addition to your cozy bedtime time story rituals at home.”
Heather T – Calgary, Alberta Teacher
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Using Picture books to support mental health.
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Picture books open the way to discussing tough topics such as mental health and self-regulation in a fun, engaging way. The open the door to teaching new skills and strategies as well as empathy. It helps children to understand that they are not alone in their struggles.

10 reasons to read to your child!
February 01, 2018
10 Reasons to Read to Your Child
Holding your children close while you read is an expression of love.
You bring the magic of books to your children. You are the storyteller!
You show your children how important reading is by modeling. Children learn by watching you.
Books are a great way to talk about characters and their problems. You can laugh and cry together.
Reading to your children gives them a chance to hear a variety of new words. They are learning new words in a fun way.
Books can help you pass on your values in an easy and comfortable way.
By reading books to your children, you can increase their listening skills. Their attention span will get longer. This will help them in school.
By reading to your children, you help them stretch their imagination and thinking. It gives children a chance to dream.
You are giving your children skills that will help them succeed in life.
You are starting a wonderful tradition that your children will want to give to their own children.