Burroughs Manor Press

We do not accept book proposals.
We do not offer book advances.
We do accept authors who do not have an agent.
Royalties are industry standard.
Children's Picture Books:
Picture books must be 800 words or less. They must deal with behavioural, complex needs or social issues for children. They must be fun and engaging and more abstract.
Please submit the full manuscript in PDF or word format to info@burroughsmanorpress.com.
*Do not include illustrations unless you are the illustrator or are working in collaboration with an illustrator.
YA books:
Fantasy and/or graphic YA novels will be accepted. Please submit the full manuscript in PDF or word format.
Please submit the full manuscript in PDF or word format to info@burroughsmanorpress.com.
Adult Fantasy:
We will consider any type of fantasy, except erotica based, that is unique and well written. Strong female characters are particularly desired.
Please submit the full manuscript in PDF or word format to info@burroughsmanorpress.com.
Please submit graphics and art for children's books, graphic novels and cover art in PDF format to info@burroughsmanorpress.com.